Fashion hits the books


Hello readers and welcome to vestimentum!

The origin:

Vestimentum was started in February 2013 by Emily Bell and Ingrid Sydenstricker. Emily and Ingrid met at a summer program during high school and stayed friends. They shared a love of fashion, but also the same frustrations with fashion stereotypes. Not ones to sit on the sidelines, they decided to do something about it.

The idea:

To be fashionable and to be intellectual are not mutually exclusive concepts. These worlds can combine and they should.

The journey for this blog began a long time ago, when the roads of fashion, intellect and art converged. Fashion is not just the prom dress you bought last spring or the Louboutins you saw in the September issue of Vogue. Fashion is both a reflection of society and an escape from it. Fashion is influenced by politicians, revolutions, and the creative flow of the world. In turn, fashion influences those same politicians, defies conventions, and gets swept up in the creative tide.

This blog aims to banish stereotypes about fashion and style. Fashion should be editorial, it should be edgy, it should be accessible. But above all else, it should not be labeled as a vapid and extraneous industry. It is not.

The content:

Every week, there will be at least one post, that ranges in length and subject matter. There may also be posts containing some photography and multimedia. In addition, we will be featuring a new trend, important designer, or happening in the fashion industry in a weekly post. *Note: Dear Emily/Dear Ingrid is an on-hold feature due to logistics.

We hope you enjoy reading and interacting on this blog.

Stay smart and stylish,

Ingrid and Emily

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