Fashion hits the books

Double Trouble

Image: Diane Arbus

I always wanted a twin because of all the cool twin stuff (telepathy, best friend), but I also wanted a twin for the twin style. When you’re a twin, at any age, it’s one of the only acceptable situations to dress matching (as young children) and coordinated (as adults). Though I do have two older brothers, contrary to what may be popular belief, they are not twins and do not coordinate their outfits. And, for the record, my outfits are not coordinated with theirs.

Despite that, here are some of my favorite twin style moments from pop culture.

  • The Parent Trap (1998). Yes, I thought there were two Lindsay Lohans. Yes, I wanted Hallie’s personality with Annie’s life in London. Hallie’s clothes are decidedly Californian cool, from her jeans and braids to her cowboy hat, whereas Annie’s clothes are much more London posh, especially her plaid suit. Clothes in The Parent Trap not only to distinguished between cultures and girls, but also suggested how clothes and changing appearances can be a way to fit in or stand out. 
  • Sister Sister (1994-1999). Though Tia and Tamera may have gone on to other careers, nothing will ever top this classic show about two sisters with markedly different personalities but markedly similar 90s styles. Lots of hats, primary colors and a heavy presence of denim (jeans, jackets, hats, overalls) were all frequent features. I don’t know if anyone actually dressed like that everyday in the 90s, but I hope our clothes today don’t look as ridiculous as that in the future. They probably will.
  • The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003). An excellent film with excellent singing, dancing, scenery and fashion! Lizzie* (blonde, American) and Isabella* (brunette, Italian) were not actually the same person, or even twins in the movie, but everyone though that that Lizzie was Isabella with died hair. The Italian fashion industry is portrayed in a characteristic manner with over-the-top, impossible to wear designs, including the igloo dress and the one that had to be plugged in as it lit up. When Lizzie takes design control, ultimately designing an awesome pants/skirt combo, it is a moment of empowerment. *both played by Hilary Duff
  • Anything with Mary Kate and Ashley Olson. The Olson twins, who shared a role on Full House before staring in multiple movies, are known for their matching style. Now, they co-run fashion lines The Row and Elizabeth+James. Who would have thought that two sisters who started out having matching hairstyles and clothes that stereotyped their personalities would end up being trendsetters past 2005?

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